Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I don't even care what happened in the rest of the league: Fantasy Football God exists.

And I can prove it:

RER trailed the Constant-Unrequested-Nuisance-Texter at home in a grudge match.

RER prayed to Fantasy Football God and he was blessed with Bears Coach for 14 points and the win.

The Constant-Unrequested-Nuisance-Texter is now tied for last, despite having the fourth highest points scored in the league.
Gentleman Snake is extremely disappointed in your juvenile behavior.
Perhaps next time the Constant-Unrequested-Nuisance-Texter will use words to express his feelings like an adult, instead of sending 60 texts of "." in a row like a child. I just hope that Fantasy Football God has found it in his heart to forgive after only one week.

In other news:
ARB went to get pizza, and now he lost 3 games in a row
ARB is on a three game slide and he is seriously considering purchasing a troll simply to burn it.

 I don't care what happens next year, but our league Taintsman punishment will somehow be related to Toddlers in Tiaras. I've only ever seen the GIFs, and I'm still haunted by these people.

What's it like to be undefeated?
 BEN is 6-0 and his best player, Aaron Rodgers is your Week 6 MVP. BEN is also owed a steak dinner for an unrelated matter.

This is Andre the Giant holding a 12 ounce beer
SKC put up a giant performance with 181.5 and is your Week 6 Champion. If I were Andre the Giant, I think I would have made a deal with the Fosters people. Seems like a good fit.

Fluffy was Taintsman last year. He's still pissed about it.
Wecome to Tainstman Tracker™. The Taintsman race is wide open this year, but SKR is currently in the lead. MMB, RSR, and SKC are all hot on his heels. Which man will be posing with O'Douls on this very blog? Only time will tell. This has been Tainstman Tracker™

Read it again!
Alright, good talk. See you out there.

PS: We should go to Single Malt Platinum Boobs and Billiards Club for New Years.
I want to go to there

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